Tag Archives: about co-signing bonds

What to Know About Bail Bond Co-signing

Being a bail bond co-signer requires a lot of responsibility, but even more trust. Many bail bonds require a co-signer. So, what does this job entail? Here are our answers to the most common bail bond cosigner-related questions we receive. Question: Who can be a co-signer? Answer: Anyone who the defendant can get to be […]

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Co-signing A Bail Bond

Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as oblige by any other court-mandated terms? Do I have enough collateral I would be willing and can afford to put up? Can I make do if the arrested person does not go to court? Do […]

Do I REALLY Want To Co-Sign This Bail Bond?

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to bail him or her out. They are desperate and remorseful for their actions, ready to face consequences, and will be so grateful for you to support them, even if you are angry and disappointed. The […]