Tag Archives: el cerrito bail information

Difference between Juveniles and Adults

Informational bail bonds in El Cerrito

Turning 18 is a pretty big deal for most people. After all, once someone turns 18, they are a full-fledged adult. The thing to be wary of, is that the person can now run into serious trouble for breaking any laws. Adults have very different penalties than juveniles do when they break the law. Juveniles […]

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bonds

El Cerrito Bail Bond Store

When needing to post bail, a defendant has a couple of options. Which option he or she chooses is dependent on what they can afford. The first option is cash bail. For this option, the defendant, and anyone on his or her behalf, must pay the full bail amount to the court in order for […]

Welcome 2017 the Right Way

El Cerrito Bail Bond Store

We are about to say goodbye to 2016, and welcome the New Year very soon. Reflecting on 2016, was it good? What were the low points of the year and how did you overcome those situations? How can you prevent them from occurring again in 2017? What do you need to take care of before […]

Bring Your Loved One Home in Time for Thanksgiving

El Cerrito Bail Bond Store

If people really took the time to ponder all that they have to be thankful for, they would realize that the list does not end. Everything and everyone, big or small, is something that person can be grateful for.Maybe this year there is one that trumps all the others. It will have a unique reason […]