Tag Archives: cheapest bail bonds in corona

Tips for a Successful Graduation Party

nearest bail agents around corona

Graduation season is here! It doesn’t matter if you or a loved one is graduating from high school, college, or trade school, the fact a graduation is taking place is the perfect excuse for a party. Here ae a few tips that will insure that you’re graduation party is fun for everyone. Make Sure Everyone […]

How Criminal Profiling Works

online bail bonds in corona

Criminal profiling has been around longer than you think. Interestingly enough, one of the most famous unsolved cases is credited for creating the idea of criminal profiling. Many believe that the first time profiling was used to attempt to find a killer was when Jack the Ripper was slaying young women in White Chapel. One […]

Can I Be Arrested and Lose My Driver’s License for Speeding

online bail bonds in corona

The sight of blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror and the realization that you are going way above the posted speed limit causes everyone to break out in a cold sweat. The faster you’re going, the more likely it is that you’ll find yourself spontaneously worrying about things like, can I be arrested and […]

What Is The “Bait and Switch” When Is It Illegal?

What Is The “Bait and Switch” When Is It Illegal?

Bait and switch is a cute term that refers to a nasty con game. If you’re the victim of a bait and switch scam you’ve purchased one item only to be given something that doesn’t match the description of what you purchased. Bait and switch typically involve businesses who use the tactic to lure customers […]

Most Common Crimes in California during Covid-19

Most Common Crimes in California during Covid-19

One of the more fascinating aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic is watching how it has impacted the crime rates. Not only has the number of arrests changed since COVID-19 was discovered in the United States, but the types of crimes are also different. When the government first started to shut things down, many of us […]

Distracted Driving in 2021

Distracted Driving in 2021

Most of us are familiar with drunk driving and know that it’s something we should avoid. Few of us know about distracted driving. Distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like. If you’re ticketed for distracted driving, it means that rather than paying attention to the road, the bulk of your attention was focused on […]

Recording in California

Recording in California

When most people hear the word recording, they automatically assume that someone is a musician who is in the process of laying tracks. The term recording has a much different meaning to people involved in the California court system. California has something that is often referred to as a two-party consent law. The main idea […]

California’s Leash Laws

California’s Leash Laws

Owning a dog is one of life’s greatest pleasures. No matter how bad your day is, it’s nice to know that when you get home you’ll be greeted with joy and love. While owning a dog is wonderful, there are also many responsibilities connected to owning a dog. One of the things you must be […]

What Happens When You Fail to Pay Parking Tickets

What Happens When You Fail to Pay

Parking tickets are a royal pain. The second you see the little slip of paper on your windshield, you know your weekly budget is about to take a hit. Considering how tight money is these days, it’s perfectly natural to wonder what would happen if you simply threw the parking ticket in the trash and […]

Corona Bail Bonds Offer a 0% Interest Bail Bonds with Flexible Payment Plan

Corona Bail Bonds Offer a 0% Interest Bail Bonds with Flexible Payment Plan

Interest rates are rarely ever a good thing. Admittedly, they sometimes mean more money is being put into your account, but often times, it means something else. Most people know interest rates as needing to pay more money too someone the longer they take to pay back the money. Interest rates raise the cost of […]

Crimes of Passion

Crimes of Passion

There is something about the term “crime of passion” that causes many of us to think about romance and true love. The reality is that crimes of passion are not about showering a loved one with flowers and chocolate. Victims of crimes of passion will tell you that they are actually terrifying, life-altering acts that […]

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law?

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law?

You just watched your neighbor commit a crime. You know what they did was illegal, but you aren’t sure what you should do about the situation. You don’t want to get anyone in trouble. On the other hand, you know you don’t like the idea of living next to someone who blatantly breaks the law. […]