Tag Archives: cheap bail bonds Riverside

How Juvenile and Adult Criminal Proceedings Differ

Riverside Bail Bonds

A parent whose child is arrested should know that juvenile court proceedings are not the same as adult proceedings. Proceedings are less severe in that less people are involved, they are shorter, they involves less harsh consequences, and they ensure that the record is sealed once the juvenile turns 18. This is all done in […]

If You Are Unfamiliar with DUI Checkpoints, This is What you Should Know

Riverside Bail Bonds

There is no doubt that St. Patrick’s Day has become a drinking holiday. This year, it falls on a Friday, which is an added plus for almost everyone who celebrates.No work the next day! This means people are more likely to stay at the bar until closing and consume an extra drink or two. However, […]

Can I Still be Charged for a Crime 10 Years Later?

Riverside Bail Bonds

If you committed some sort of illegal action some years ago, and continue to think about how you got away with it.If you worry that it is going to come back and haunt you one day, you should learn what ‘statute of limitations’ means. A statute of limitations refers to the time within which legal […]

TV Does Not Show You Bail Bonds Right

Riverside Bail Bonds

It is no surprise that bail and bail bonds are not accurately presented on television. What you see on TV is an extremely condensed version of what happens in real life, and in fact, you most likely will not even see the bail bond aspect on television at all, so maybe you donot even know […]

Figuring Out This Thing Called Life

Riverside Bail Bonds

Learning how to admit to a mistake and to ask for help is a lesson that is never finished. They come at different levels. In middle school, you ask for help in essay writing. In high school you ask for help in varsity sports. When you reach 18, you are an adult and are supposed […]

People Hide Criminal History Very Well

Riverside Bail Bonds

Do you ever wonder if anyone you know has a criminal record? Maybe a coworker, or the cashier at the grocery store you always chat with, or even a close friend who you met through a mutual friend. Do you ever wonder what their past was like? It is very possible you know someone who […]

Having a Legal Issue and Figuring Out If You Can Vote

Riverside Bail Bonds

Having a Legal Issue and Figuring Out If You Can Vote With it being an election year, and a big Presidential Election at that, many of you with loved ones who have a criminal history, or are currently serving time, are probably wondering if they are eligible to vote in November. You may be wondering […]

Can You Vote? All These Say Yes!

Riverside Bail Bonds

The Presidential Election is only a few months away, and for eligible voters, it is quite an exciting time. From first-time voters, to those seeking to elect a candidate who can make a positive difference, it is sure to be quite the election. Here are some voting rights you may or may not know about: […]

California Wins 1st for Driving Selfies

Ever since selfies became a thing over the past 5 years or so, they have succeeded in taking over our lives, for better and worse. Here in California, Driving Selfies are a thing, and we rank as the top U.S. state for the most Instagram-posted #DrivingSelfies. That is not something to be proud of. A […]

Quick Fireworks Laws in California

If you are planning to purchase any fireworks for your July 4th, make sure you are buying it from the right place, at the right time, and you are getting the right kinds of fireworks. Only state-licensed retailers can sell you fireworks between noon on June 28,and noon on July 6. They can only sell […]

Warnings Against Drinking and Driving

Riverside Bail Bonds cautions against drinking and driving all the time. With July 4th just around the corner, we are back to remind you of the dangers and consequences of doing so, and offer much safer alternatives. The legal BAC limit in California is 0.08%. In general, men have a higher tolerance for alcohol than […]

Riverside Bail Bonds Predicts Your July 4th

There are only 2 more weeks until Independence Day. We are betting your weekend will consist of some combination of watching the first Independence Day movie at home, watching the new Independence Day movie in theaters, going to the beach, eating BBQ,having some alcohol, enjoying the company of friends and family members, and watching fireworks. […]